Thursday, May 24, 2012

Child labor in England.


   The inventions happened in 19th century relieved the labors working for hours in mines and factories. prior to that children aged above 6 years used to work 12 or more than 12 hours in coal mines. One end of a chain was hooked on their waist, and the other end was hooked to a container of coal. The child used to pull that container like any animal, crawling through the narrow corners of the mine. The chains hooked to those children used to hurt them on their knees,hands, legs etc. If the container was heavy then some other boy used to push that from behind with his head. Which resulted in the hair loss of that bot at the back. In those days no pulley was invented, but women and children used to transport the coal heavily on their necks to the top of the mines. And they used to do it at least 14 times a day. to climb the mine along with the burden of the coal on the neck. And men used to dig in the mines. It was their job.
   Number of children lost their lives at early ages of life due to various reasons like molestation, epidemics, and the extraordinarily hot temperature in the mines. But the rich and selfish mine owners used to hid these facts by secretly destroying the dead bodies and the evidences of such incidents. The daily wages of the children used to 1 penny per day, this used to attract poor, orphans to the mines. But they used to employed for 16 hours and that too in all extreme working conditions. This used make them handicapped or spastic. The one who skipped work used to be tied with chains, and if labors unite for their own welfare used to get more torchered by the owners. 
    But later in 1824 and so on govt. approved the existence of labor party. Due to revolutionary actions and strikes lock-outs happened under impressions of Lord Ashley, Richard Ausler many important and welfare acts for labors were approved. And this improved the conditions of labors. 
     Slowly the social position of all labors was changed due to amendment of factory act 1891. This ultimately resulted in welfare of labor society.      




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