Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543).

        A Polish scientist who invented the solar-centric universe died on 24/05/1543. He started with the studies of Casteism, Religious laws and duties, Greek literature etc, and landed in a church as a priest. He was born on 29th Feb, 1473. He started studying about astronomy in the church. Sun is the center of the orbit, and rest of other planets and stars revolve around it, was the theory which was evolved in the thoughts of Copernicus. He also stated that earth is an ordinary planet and it revolves around itself, at the same it revolves around the Sun. It completes it's revolution around itself in 24 hours, and it takes 365 days to finish the revolution around the Sun. Day and the night is the result of the earth's revolution around itself. And a year is the result of the earth's revolution around the sun. This as a whole was the theory proposed by Copernicus.
        Prior to this there was a theory as an Earth is the center of the world and the world revolves around the Earth which is stationary. He published his theories through some handwritten pamplets, and distributed across the society. Which was actually not accepted by the society and it was accepted by the society after his death. He was just of 16 when he spreaded such revolutionary thoughts in the society. His uncle was bishop priest in the churches of Poland, which benefited him for grasping more and various kind of knowledge about various subjects like medicine, astronomy. It made him a good thinker, and developed a scientific approach in his thoughts. And this led him to oppose the traditional thoughts deepened in the society which were spreaded by the philosophers like Ptolemy, Aristotle. He used to say that stars has their own light and their visibility depends upon their distance from Earth. At early stages he was feared to oppose the thoughts which have been there in the society since longer time. But later he just wrote all his thoughts and started distributing in the society. Its was his own opinion that his language was comparatively easy to understand for any common man. So he published a small booklet of it, and distributed in his friends circle and among the philosophical groups. This resulted in the growth and reach of his thoughts to various places across Europe. And increased the curocity of people to know his thoughts. it also led him to bear the hardcore oppose from churches. But his thoughts should be published and distributed immediately was an opinion of a philosopher named 'Heticus'. 
       But Copernicus was paralised before he can see his thoughts spreaded across the society.And he died on 24th May 1543.


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