Friday, May 25, 2012

British Imperialism-1

    In pre-medival age British rulers were planning to expand their rule till France in its south, and also in north till Scotland. But the defeats and huge losses in centurion wars forced them to keep their plans aside for longer time. They were already have lost their control on port of caley. They were continuously into the war from 1339 till 1485. This caused them huge losses. Diaz, Columbus, Vasco-da-Gama, Cabbet invented new regions on the globe. They introduced a new world to the people of their home countries. After the tour of Drake, Hawkins, The colonies like ralley disintegrated into new colonies across America and the other newly found regions. Many British citizens shifted to America due to conflicts in religious thoughts. This lead to the establishments of British colonies across the world. In 1492, Columbus stepped on the Bahama Islands in west indies. Spanish firstly came over there, later french, Portuguese dutch,and British also followed them on the west indies islands. 
   British initially settled on the Bermuda islands near the Bahama islands in 1612. Later in 1713 they also acquired St. kit's islands, which was fertile for tobacco, cotton and sugarcane. soon they also conquered islands like Nevis, Antigua, moterset. which was a part of Liberd island. a British trader named sir cor-tin landed accidentally on lonely but fully filled with wild boars, and jungles-"Barbados islands",where British people established their colonies in 1627.     
  They also won a fertile Jamaica islands in a war with Spain in 1655. After winning areas like St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago British started earning profits through the trades of sugar, tobacco and also of slaves.




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