Saturday, May 26, 2012

Expansion of the Empire.

      British empire was continuously growing through their ambitious colonization at various regions across the globe. In 1670 they established a company named Hudson Bay, which started the colonization of the British empire in Canada. They were continuously waging wars against french and won areas like Quebec, new Newfoundland, Novaskosia till 1759 and established British colonies in those regions. It was the result of their 7-yeared war against french emperors. Colonies which were established on the eastern coasts of the North America revolted against British empires for their freedom and independence from the British rule in the era of 1775-1783. And this gave the birth to a new and a powerful nation called United states of America. It was a nation of 13 united states. As per Quebec act 1774, Roman Catholics were ruling in Canada. In north Canada English was the commonly used language, whereas in south it was French. This lead to the end of the rule on America and acquiring of Canada by the British.
    Slowly they started expanding their trade with the eastern countries, and East India Company was the major entity which was looking after these trades. They built fortified warehouses in India, starting with Surat(1612), Madras(1639), Calcutta(1691), & Mumbai(1667). Before to establish the warehouses in 1661 they acquired permissions to keep the army, and also to use their own currencies. After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the Mogul empire was seeing their sunset in India. In 1744-63 many sparks occurred between french and British, finally because french lost the battles of Plasi and Wandiwash, British acquired the full control over Bengal, and Karnataka. In 1802 Welsley established full control over India. Later in 1826 they also acquired most of the states of Burma.       
    They had already acquired Celone ( Sri Lanka)in 1796 from dutch,and  in 1810 Mauritius from french. In this way British empire was established across India at the end of the 18th century.      



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