Saturday, May 26, 2012

  Later explorations...

In 1618 British started taking an interest in African islands, by acquiring Gambia and Carmantine islands on the west coast of  Africa they actually started expansions in African continent. Later by defeating french in 1815 they acquired 'Cape of good hope' and 'Natal' in 1824. In 1768 Captain cook explored the new continent of Australia. in 1788 the British crime cells were established in Sydney. And along with it, a new colony of British empire established in Australia. in 1825 they also headed to New Zealand and made their mark. Capt. Arthur Phillip was appointed as the chief inspector of British crime cells in 1887, at batney bay. While moving along the northern cost he found a huge port, which can accumulate number of ships and gallons, where later Sydney city was developed. Till 20th century, many countries which were acquired by British were started revolting against British rule, in fact many of them were declared themselves united or independent countries. But this didn't stopped British from expanding across the globe. they were continuously moving on the new places, like Nigeria, Egypt, orange free street,Transvaal etc. Iraq, Syria in 1917 and Palestine in 1920  were the new expansions of the British territory. 
Initially moving in as a trader, and then becoming a super power was the general trick of British which they successfully worked in America, India, Malta, And this way they ruled on many countries across the world for more than 3 centuries.
They is so much to tell about the history of the imperialism, but our blog is not built only for such information, more to come, keep on reading, keep on following. This will inspire me to share more and more information.
                                                        !!!!!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


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