Monday, May 28, 2012

  Aurangzeb defeated Dara-shukoh, and became emperor of India.(1658).

 On 29th may 1658, a battle started early in the morning at 7, and ended by the evening at 5. This was the battle which changed the history and future of Indian subcontinent. This battle was fought between two brothers, 'Prince Muiuddin' (later emperor Aurangzeb) and 'Shahzada Dara Shukoh'. It was an important battle in history of India because Indian public experienced a vast difference in the rule from a somewhat humanity to absolute cruel dynasty. Both were brothers ( sons of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal.) But the younger brother Aurangzeb was hungry for the throne. and he defeated or killed almost everyone who came across his ambitions. And Dara was not an exception. So he decided to fight and win the regions which are under rule of Dara. This battle happened on 29/05/1658 on the bank of Chambal river in Samgud. It was started in the morning at 7, and ended in the evening at 5, which resulted the defeat of Dara, and he ran away to Agra. indiscipline in the army, untrustworthy soldiers, and unaware about the actions and the strategies of the enemy were the reasons of his defeat. 
       He was true patron of fine arts, and many of his paintings are lessons to the professional painters. It has so much to tell in his paintings. His pieces of  art are assembled and preserved in his diary which consist of many of his paintings and calligraphy arts. And it has been taken to the royal library. 
      Later his defeat, he moved to various places, he tried gathering his army and conquering areas like Ajmer, Surat, Thakka( Sindh), and decided to fight again for his lost throne, but again he was defeated against Aurangzeb, but again his fate spitted on him, and this time he was caught by Aurangzeb, and was assassinated in front of his own son, which was a threatening act for his child.
       Dara was actually an emperor of the hearts of all the segments of his empire.        


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