Monday, May 21, 2012

His death has affected India badly.

 His death was definitely a turning point in India's graph of continuous growth, whereas later 1995 Indian economy started loosing its highness in the skies of developing economies. If we just observe the state of the economy after 1993 we can easily make out the change in Indian politics, Governance, and off course the trend of Indian economy, Markets were never stable, The volumes are continuously falling, And the lifestyle, yes, its perfectly ridiculous. The schemes which were introduced by him are now only schemes for personal egos and vote banks. Not only him, but those time were definitely of good hopes for Indian public, whereas now its becoming more and more hopeless.  The dirty and selfish politics of casts, and of criminals were introduced after his death. Just watch his steps and look at the position of Congress party. I think the alliances of Congress has made Congress more corrupt and and of selfish motives. The decisions like "Mandal", "Kamandal","Rathyatra" has ruined the future of this country and it has created a high pressured dark clouds on Indian politics, and it would be our bad luck that we would be those who will be suffering for long because of such decisions. And We can definitely say that even oppositions are not that innocents. They have invited foreign epidemics like terrorism by hurting religious people around the world. So rewind the era till 1991 and find where have we gone wrong. Then only we can conclude about the future.:)


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