Friday, June 1, 2012

Dhananjay Kulkarni died: - 2/06/2005.

    A person who has some amazing records under his names, crazy ambitions, but surprisingly no name can be seen on any of the search engines. In his state he has made his mark by making world records like eating maximum amount of glass, drinking huge amount of tea at a time, jumping out of running helicopter, clapping continuously for longer time and standing on a single leg for recorded time. But still we can't find his name on any of the search engine today, it was truly surprising. So i dedicate this particular post to him.
   Dhanajay kulkarni from Pune (India) eats 2kg and 600 gm. of glass, Dhanajay drinks 194 cups of tea at a time these kind of news used to come before year 2005. Every time doing something new was his specialty, no one can imagine, what he can do, and what he suffered later.  He was such a crazy and whimsical person that making records was his hobby, and his actions were such a deadly that one will think once before trying to break the records which did.
    He drunk 194 cups of tea at a single sitting. he eat 2.6 kg of glass in London. this glasses were raw glasses and also tube lights , and bulbs. He clapped around for 75 hours continuously. apart from that he eat Guinness book of records of 760 pages. And the ultimate was standing on a single leg for 35 hours.
    His death was also a tragic, kilos of glasses found in his intestine, after his body was operated. His next plan for the record was to jump out of a train at the speed of 150km/hr. But his death stopped him from reaching his aim. but we respect his courage and salute him by this post.   

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Monday, May 28, 2012

  Aurangzeb defeated Dara-shukoh, and became emperor of India.(1658).

 On 29th may 1658, a battle started early in the morning at 7, and ended by the evening at 5. This was the battle which changed the history and future of Indian subcontinent. This battle was fought between two brothers, 'Prince Muiuddin' (later emperor Aurangzeb) and 'Shahzada Dara Shukoh'. It was an important battle in history of India because Indian public experienced a vast difference in the rule from a somewhat humanity to absolute cruel dynasty. Both were brothers ( sons of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal.) But the younger brother Aurangzeb was hungry for the throne. and he defeated or killed almost everyone who came across his ambitions. And Dara was not an exception. So he decided to fight and win the regions which are under rule of Dara. This battle happened on 29/05/1658 on the bank of Chambal river in Samgud. It was started in the morning at 7, and ended in the evening at 5, which resulted the defeat of Dara, and he ran away to Agra. indiscipline in the army, untrustworthy soldiers, and unaware about the actions and the strategies of the enemy were the reasons of his defeat. 
       He was true patron of fine arts, and many of his paintings are lessons to the professional painters. It has so much to tell in his paintings. His pieces of  art are assembled and preserved in his diary which consist of many of his paintings and calligraphy arts. And it has been taken to the royal library. 
      Later his defeat, he moved to various places, he tried gathering his army and conquering areas like Ajmer, Surat, Thakka( Sindh), and decided to fight again for his lost throne, but again he was defeated against Aurangzeb, but again his fate spitted on him, and this time he was caught by Aurangzeb, and was assassinated in front of his own son, which was a threatening act for his child.
       Dara was actually an emperor of the hearts of all the segments of his empire.        

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

  Later explorations...

In 1618 British started taking an interest in African islands, by acquiring Gambia and Carmantine islands on the west coast of  Africa they actually started expansions in African continent. Later by defeating french in 1815 they acquired 'Cape of good hope' and 'Natal' in 1824. In 1768 Captain cook explored the new continent of Australia. in 1788 the British crime cells were established in Sydney. And along with it, a new colony of British empire established in Australia. in 1825 they also headed to New Zealand and made their mark. Capt. Arthur Phillip was appointed as the chief inspector of British crime cells in 1887, at batney bay. While moving along the northern cost he found a huge port, which can accumulate number of ships and gallons, where later Sydney city was developed. Till 20th century, many countries which were acquired by British were started revolting against British rule, in fact many of them were declared themselves united or independent countries. But this didn't stopped British from expanding across the globe. they were continuously moving on the new places, like Nigeria, Egypt, orange free street,Transvaal etc. Iraq, Syria in 1917 and Palestine in 1920  were the new expansions of the British territory. 
Initially moving in as a trader, and then becoming a super power was the general trick of British which they successfully worked in America, India, Malta, And this way they ruled on many countries across the world for more than 3 centuries.
They is so much to tell about the history of the imperialism, but our blog is not built only for such information, more to come, keep on reading, keep on following. This will inspire me to share more and more information.
                                                        !!!!!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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 Dear readers, check out this funny conversation between the famous personalities of the world, and if Facebook was there in those days, this would be possibly happen...:) If it's about History then you will surely find on this blog. No grudges please, it's for fun. Click on the link below: -

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Expansion of the Empire.

      British empire was continuously growing through their ambitious colonization at various regions across the globe. In 1670 they established a company named Hudson Bay, which started the colonization of the British empire in Canada. They were continuously waging wars against french and won areas like Quebec, new Newfoundland, Novaskosia till 1759 and established British colonies in those regions. It was the result of their 7-yeared war against french emperors. Colonies which were established on the eastern coasts of the North America revolted against British empires for their freedom and independence from the British rule in the era of 1775-1783. And this gave the birth to a new and a powerful nation called United states of America. It was a nation of 13 united states. As per Quebec act 1774, Roman Catholics were ruling in Canada. In north Canada English was the commonly used language, whereas in south it was French. This lead to the end of the rule on America and acquiring of Canada by the British.
    Slowly they started expanding their trade with the eastern countries, and East India Company was the major entity which was looking after these trades. They built fortified warehouses in India, starting with Surat(1612), Madras(1639), Calcutta(1691), & Mumbai(1667). Before to establish the warehouses in 1661 they acquired permissions to keep the army, and also to use their own currencies. After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the Mogul empire was seeing their sunset in India. In 1744-63 many sparks occurred between french and British, finally because french lost the battles of Plasi and Wandiwash, British acquired the full control over Bengal, and Karnataka. In 1802 Welsley established full control over India. Later in 1826 they also acquired most of the states of Burma.       
    They had already acquired Celone ( Sri Lanka)in 1796 from dutch,and  in 1810 Mauritius from french. In this way British empire was established across India at the end of the 18th century.      


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Friday, May 25, 2012

British Imperialism-1

    In pre-medival age British rulers were planning to expand their rule till France in its south, and also in north till Scotland. But the defeats and huge losses in centurion wars forced them to keep their plans aside for longer time. They were already have lost their control on port of caley. They were continuously into the war from 1339 till 1485. This caused them huge losses. Diaz, Columbus, Vasco-da-Gama, Cabbet invented new regions on the globe. They introduced a new world to the people of their home countries. After the tour of Drake, Hawkins, The colonies like ralley disintegrated into new colonies across America and the other newly found regions. Many British citizens shifted to America due to conflicts in religious thoughts. This lead to the establishments of British colonies across the world. In 1492, Columbus stepped on the Bahama Islands in west indies. Spanish firstly came over there, later french, Portuguese dutch,and British also followed them on the west indies islands. 
   British initially settled on the Bermuda islands near the Bahama islands in 1612. Later in 1713 they also acquired St. kit's islands, which was fertile for tobacco, cotton and sugarcane. soon they also conquered islands like Nevis, Antigua, moterset. which was a part of Liberd island. a British trader named sir cor-tin landed accidentally on lonely but fully filled with wild boars, and jungles-"Barbados islands",where British people established their colonies in 1627.     
  They also won a fertile Jamaica islands in a war with Spain in 1655. After winning areas like St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago British started earning profits through the trades of sugar, tobacco and also of slaves.



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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Child labor in England.


   The inventions happened in 19th century relieved the labors working for hours in mines and factories. prior to that children aged above 6 years used to work 12 or more than 12 hours in coal mines. One end of a chain was hooked on their waist, and the other end was hooked to a container of coal. The child used to pull that container like any animal, crawling through the narrow corners of the mine. The chains hooked to those children used to hurt them on their knees,hands, legs etc. If the container was heavy then some other boy used to push that from behind with his head. Which resulted in the hair loss of that bot at the back. In those days no pulley was invented, but women and children used to transport the coal heavily on their necks to the top of the mines. And they used to do it at least 14 times a day. to climb the mine along with the burden of the coal on the neck. And men used to dig in the mines. It was their job.
   Number of children lost their lives at early ages of life due to various reasons like molestation, epidemics, and the extraordinarily hot temperature in the mines. But the rich and selfish mine owners used to hid these facts by secretly destroying the dead bodies and the evidences of such incidents. The daily wages of the children used to 1 penny per day, this used to attract poor, orphans to the mines. But they used to employed for 16 hours and that too in all extreme working conditions. This used make them handicapped or spastic. The one who skipped work used to be tied with chains, and if labors unite for their own welfare used to get more torchered by the owners. 
    But later in 1824 and so on govt. approved the existence of labor party. Due to revolutionary actions and strikes lock-outs happened under impressions of Lord Ashley, Richard Ausler many important and welfare acts for labors were approved. And this improved the conditions of labors. 
     Slowly the social position of all labors was changed due to amendment of factory act 1891. This ultimately resulted in welfare of labor society.      



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