Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Henrik Ibsen (1828 –1906)

A Norwegian Play writer, Died on 23rd may 1906. An amazing and realistic plays based on real incidents happening in the society was the popular genre of his plays. He introduced the realistic theater acts to the modern drama circles. He was inspired from the European revolutions and as a result he wrote 'Catalina' in the same year he premiered his ' the Burrial Mound' a play. But he was not happy with the response he was getting from the audiences, so he changed his path to journalism. But in a year he realized that his first love is theater acts, so he went back to theaters, inspite of the burdens on his head like financial crisis, excessive loans, depressions he made his strong impression on the modern and realistic theaters. He shown psychological truth through his plays. 
At the age of 15 he left school, and was forced to become apprentice (pharmacist) 'Tragedy catheline' was his first play, which was not performed but was published in pseudonym. 
 He also went to Det Norske theater, where he participated in production of 145 plays as a writer, director, producer. He was a follower of a danish philosopher, Soren 1858 he became the creative director of Christiana theater.         
 In 1858, he married with 'Suzanna Thorsen'. 'Sigurd' was the only son of him.   Basically his life was a combination of three different stages. one had a climax with The Pillars Of society.(a play) in 1877, the second stage was full of social issues and protest against the many inhuman aspects of the society. and the third and the last was filled with many symbolic characters of his plays like one in his The Master Builder. So overall his life was full of the ultimate moments of both the phases of happiness and of sorrows. He made a mark in the libraries with his attractive and energetic plays before he makes an exit from the stage of his life.


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